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Our Lady of Mount Carmel Welcomes You
Mission Statement: We are the church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel; we choose to be family and to be faithful stewards of our time, talent and treasure.
Mass Time - Sunday 9:30am
Holy Days 7:00pm
1105 Elliston Rd.
Martin Ohio 43445
Ph: 419-836-7681
Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8:00am - 3:00pm
What We Do
Baptism: Parents attend a pre-Baptismal session for their first Child. Sessions are arranged with the Pastor.
Marriage: The engaged couple makes an appointment with the Pastor at least 6 Months prior to the wedding for required preparations.
Annointing of the Sick: For an appointment to receive this Sacrament, call the office.
Eucharist: Sunday 9:30am, Holy Days 7:00pm
Pastor: Fr. Chris Jesudhason -
Administrative Assistant: Kim Krebs -
Pastoral Associate for Youth Faith Formation: Mindy Koczorowski -
2024-2025 Faith Formation
Next class: Sun. Nov. 8th: 10:30am - 12:30pm
6th - 12th Graders!!
Every other Sunday!
Next meeting:
Sunday, Nov. 10th
St. Ignatius
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